Freedom of Information Act Requests


Freedom of Information Act Requests

The library complies with all Public Record Laws of the Commonwealth.  In the normal course of library service to the public, the library routinely provides information to be copied at a requested donation of 10 cents per page.
As allowed by state law, for requests under the Freedom of Information Act that would involve more than $25 in copying costs (including paper and staff time), the library staff will prepare a good faith estimate and require advance payment of 75% of the estimate.
As the Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law states: “the estimate should contain a statement advising the requester that the actual cost of producing the record might vary once the custodian begins preparing the record.”  Upon completion and pickup of the requested documents, the actual total cost will be known and the requester will be charged the balance due.
Applicable state guidelines are attached and will be followed.
The Town of Sterling FOIA Request Form, available on the town website, will be used.